In BEIJING I stayed at my jiuma's house again, and then on saturday she made chive pizza. It was with corn flour, so it basically tasted like cornbread + chives on top. I didn't really like it...but good attempt anyways. In the afternoon we went to Pinggu. On Sunday morning, we had breakfast, and then were walking around the village, and we passed by a funeral. My aunt wanted me to see what a Chinese funeral was like. Basically there were a lot of people watching. The family memebrs of the deceased all kowtow'ed at the shrine in the yard. There was a shirt on top of the room, symbolizing the departing soul. Also, they took the pillow, cut it open and burned it. After lunch, we went back to Beijing by bus. I went to Xiushuijie with Robin and Jenny, and then we ate at Xiabuxiabu just as it was closing. At night, I got lost going back to my aunt's house. It took like 2 hours. @____@. On Monday the 14th, I stayed with Qizheng at his house and watched movies all day long and then went to his Kung Fu practice. On Tuesday, I took him to KTV with Robin and Jenny. He didn't sing and was pretty shy, but what can you expect from a 10 year old with a bunch of high schoolers. For lunch we had Korean food in the basement of Cuiweidasha, and it was darn expensive xD. After that we went to Wan4tong1 to do some shopping. Of course, Qizheng saw some gameboy games that he wanted me to buy...but I didn't. He seems to think I'm loaded and can buy him anything. He told me to buy him a PSP, and I'm like...I can't even afford a PSP for myself @__@. Finally, we had to leave quickly because of Qizheng's Kungfu practice. I totally didn't realize we could have ridden the subway, so when Jenny and Robin went down the subway right underneath Wantong, we stood outside waiting for a bus that never then we realized there was a subway. Also we took it in the wrong direction at first because Line 2 is a circle. We weren't late, and eventually went to his Kungfu practice. After practice I went to Mao Panyong's house that night.
In the morning, I watched Smallville on TV, and then Jenny and I went to the Travel Agency in Guomao...It seriously took the whole afternoon. Eventually we got a trip to Xi'an and found out that Mao Da would come along too! Unfortunately Robin was busy that week....(Eventually we found out he had classes for something). After getting that sorted out, we went to the Summer Palace just to take some pictures. Midway, there was a Korean guy who pulled me over and took me to one of those dress-up-as-a-king-and-take-a-picture things and told me he was making a commercial for Korea, and that I had to say "我是中国的皇帝,这是皇帝吃的料理" and also "我最喜欢的是松鼠鳜鱼" or something along those lines. The Korean guy knew Chinese and English, so there wasn't a communication problem. The photoshoot person was also pretty accomodating...meanwhile everyone outside stared and Jenny was LOLing. Eventually I got a free picture out of it xD. By the time we were leaving, there were already very few people in the park. Also, there were a lot of sketchy underground taxi drivers waiting by the exit...

Nothing of importance happened on the 17th. At least I don't have anything written down.
On the 18th, I was basically at Mao Panyong's house the whole morning. At noon we went to go eat hotpot with Mao Panyong's friends (some of them knew my parents). I had like some sort of eel looking thing on a skewer o_O. There was spicy and normal broths, and there was also prune juice = good times. In the afternoon I packed, and at night Mao Panyong took Mao Da and I to Beijing West Station for our trip to XI'AN.
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