I'm soooo excited about going....but I don't want to pack =/
I'm leaving 9 AM on tuesday and arrive wednesday night (local) in Beijing. There will also be a 2 hour stop in Tokyo...hoping to fulfill my japanese desires haha. try some food. get some books...probably Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石, cuz hiroko refuses to ask her dad to get it @___@
i'll be staying with alan and wandering aroudn with him in beijing for a few days, then go visit my aunt/maternal grandparents on the outskirts of beijing, then go back into beijing to meet with family friends, then leave with robin on our trip starting july 1st to nanjing, shanghai, and hong kong. and maybe even guangzhou, shenzhen, xi'an. not sure yet. coming back 8/3.
i'll post a cell# when i get one, be sure to call me if you're in china! there's like what. 10 of you?
if you want anything from china, feel free to ask. otherwise i'll just get stuff for ppl i think of. if you get something, it means i care. if you don't, it means i prolly dont wanna see your face ever again =]

You're so mean!
What if someone like, has secret desires for you, but you don't get him a present!!!
(Leikomfgnotpossible. J/K <3)
Cell? Are there even any cells that allow you to use it just for a month and a half?
I'll call you from Germany. Use up all your minutes. (not)
June 15, 2008 8:36 PM
You asked Hiroko to ask her Dad to get her something from Japan?
Can you imagine how that would've gone?
"Daddy, can you get me the JP HP series for this Chinese kid who reads Japanese and is overall kind of creepy? Kthx."
Bring me a present! ^^
June 16, 2008 7:02 AM
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